So I just wrote an apology the other day for not blogging on my other blog, and here is my apology for this one. I'd like to say that I haven't been posting because I've been too busy, but I'm not entirely sure that's true. Maybe, kind of.
I just wanted to update you all on my current reading situation. For some reason, even though I really like the book, I am struggling to get through Eat, Pray, Love at a quick enough pace for this challenge. Thus, I have added my P90X guides (I know... I will try to cancel them out further down the road). They are very informational though and this program is going to complete kick my tush since I am not in shape, whatsoever.
Bringing me to now. We had the book club meeting on Monday and chose our new book. I am taking a break from Eat, Pray, Love in an attempt to be more loyal to it after this book is over. Our new selection is I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells. I started it last night and am probably somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of the way done with it. It's a super easy and fast read so far. Does it make me a freak that I compare myself to the little sociopath in the book?
Anyway, I promise to get back on track with my booking blog.
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11 months ago