#15 David Sedaris's "Holidays On Ice"


First off, I'd like to start by saying that I am fully aware of the complete slacking I've been doing with this whole "50 books in a year" goal.  I've read a few that I haven't posted about, but I will.  All in due time... I've been busy, I swear!

Anyway, the 15th book of my challenge was Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris.  I believe I also read his Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim as part of my challenge.  This book was very similar.  It was a collection of short stories and essays, in fact, several of the stories were repeats from what I'd already read in Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim.  (The stories all just happened to have some sort of holiday theme.)  I'm not going to lie, I won't say I loved it and I won't say I hated it.  I will say that I read it and my opinion of it is just that... it's a book.  Some parts made me laugh, but for the most part I kind of just felt unmoved by the whole thing.

I did enjoy reading about Sedaris's stint as a "Christmas elf", where he worked in a Santa village at Christmas time.  I also did enjoy reading "Christmas Means Giving", which was about a family that bought themselves any lavish gift they might desire.  When a family moved in next door who wanted to compete with the original family, it all took a turn for the worst.  It was really just amusing because I think everyone knows someone that is like that.

Anyway, over all, I would NOT recommend this book.  I'm not a huge fan of short stories, so maybe, if you are, you might like this book more than I did.  I don't think that it helped that I'd already read several of the stories either.

First Line Teaser:  "I was in a coffee shop looking through the want ads when I read, "Macy's Herald Square, the largest store in the world, has big opportunities for outgoing, fun-loving people of all shapes and sizes who want more than just a holiday job!"  (Taken from the beginning of "SantaLand Diaries", which is the story in which Sedaris is a Christmas elf.)

Next Up:  Finishing The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

One Response to “#15 David Sedaris's "Holidays On Ice"”

  1. I find it really humorous that Sedaris worked as an elf in Herald Square. I personally love his books and short stories, so I can't wait to read this!

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