So, I've made my decision. Well, technically my book club made my decision... kind of. I will be starting my first book of the challenge in two days. I've decided to read our first book club selection as my first book, mostly so that I can pass it along to someone in the NIBC (New Improved Book Club!) when I am done with it since I SHOULD have it done in a week or less, right?
The book we/I have chosen is "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon. Not only is it our first book club selection since restarting book club, but it was also a recommendation for one of my challenge books, so why NOT start out with it, right? Plus, it looks like it will be an fast & easy read, which will only motivate me to keep on keepin' on, if you know what I mean.
My plan with this blog is to keep you posted on what I am reading as well as any thoughts/comments/questions that I have about the book. All feedback will be welcome. I'm looking forward to the motivation & feedback from all of my faithful followers to push me along in this journey!
Archive for June 2010
The Premier Selection
Category Book Club, Books, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

One week 'til showtime!
It's getting closer folks. One week until I reveal which book will be my first of the challenge. I know you are all on the edge of your chairs just waiting to find out.
I've decided that my first book will be one of your fine recommendations. I plan to (hopefully) read most of your suggestions at some point during the challenge. Chances are, if we choose a book club book by the 1st, that may just be my first book I read. We'll see.
I will say that I broke down and bought "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer yesterday. I've been itching to read it but have been trying to convince myself that I'm too poor to buy books. I just read "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" though, so I've got to read a couple others before I read another JSF book. It will definitely probably make it in to my first couple months worth of reads. (Has anyone read it yet? Alice, I'm mostly talking to you because I think that I saw on goodreads that you did and I know that you are also a fan of JSF. Enlighten me with your thoughts.)
Category Book Club, Books, Recommended

In lieu of the challenge...
In lieu of the challenge I am going to restart book club. Formerly YESS book club, the book club is now being called "book club" as I no longer work at YESS. Deal with it people.
This being said, I will be emailing you all soon. I know I already posted this on my other blog, but I felt it only made sense to post it on here as well.
If there is anyone in the DSM area that meets the following qualifications and would like to join, please let me know!
- You must be a reader.
- You must not be annoying.
- At least one of the former members should probably know you. (We don't need any creepsters in our lives, thanks.)

All right peeps. I'm currently taking recommendations for the first book of my challenge. I need it to be something that will completely entrance me and keep me "booking" through it. (See what I did there?) :) I want the first one to be a super fantastic book so that I can start out extremely motivated! Help me out people!
Much love.
Category Books, Recommended

50 in a year?
I've decided as a way to motivate myself to read more, I am going to start a blog that is dedicated to pushing myself to do so. I am officially going to start my "year of reading" on July 1st, 2010. My goal is to read 50 books in a year. Maybe this seems like a small number to some and impossible to others. I'm honestly not sure how it is going to work out for me. I don't read nearly as often as I would like to. I'm hoping by setting my goal at approximately one book per week, I should be able to hammer through a few more than I have been lately. I mean if I post this goal for you all to see, I have to hold myself to it, right?
I think I'm going to take the next couple of weeks to finish up the several books that I currently have started so that I can start fresh on July 1st.
Thoughts? Is my goal reachable? Any suggestions for good books for me read in the upcoming year? I have shelves of books that I have yet to read, but I always prefer recommendations from others! (Also, please note any books that you think I absolutely should NOT read. GREATly appreciated!)
I will add that I am also willing to read books that you, my (currently zero, hopefully soon to be many) followers want to read yourselves, but want a review from someone else first. I will test the books out for you!
My plan is to keep you updated on what I'm reading, as well as how I feel about what I read! Enjoy!