All right peeps. I'm currently taking recommendations for the first book of my challenge. I need it to be something that will completely entrance me and keep me "booking" through it. (See what I did there?) :) I want the first one to be a super fantastic book so that I can start out extremely motivated! Help me out people!
Much love.
Best of 2023
1 year ago
A couple of my favorite books: Wild Swans (It looks huge an intimidating, but it sucks you and is so good.)
A Severe Mercy (a memoir and beautiful love story. First chapter is hard to get through but then it sucks you way in.)
The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (so good, memoir that I may have read all of it in one day at Barnes and Noble.)
A Thousand Splendid Suns (sucks you and you feel like you really are experiencing a different culture.)
I may have weird taste in books, but they are ones I have enjoyed.
The Master and Margarita. Seriously. I haven't read a book that great in a really long time, and I've read a lot of books.
I guess because I'm technically a librarian, i should be able to offer some suggestions. I'm not confident enough to say anything I suggest should be your super motivating first book...
1. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
Interesting book told from the point of view of an autistic boy. It's short, too :)
I see you've read a little Stephen King, it seems like you like maybe the less gory stuff. Here's a couple you might want to consider (a little better story to gory ratio):
2. Bag of Bones
3. Lisey's Story
(IT has always been my favorite...) :)
4. The Lovely Bones (Maybe not worth it if you watched the movie. The book was better, of course.)
5. Case Histories by Kate Atkinson(beginning of a series) I like pretty much anything by her.
6. Behind the Scenes at the Museum was another good one by her, a stand alone novel.
Chuck Palahniuk is an author I always enjoy/can't help but read. Kinda weird, pretty disturbing most of the time. I mean, he's the guy who wrote Fight Club, what do you expect?
7. Haunted was interesting and it's stuck with me, but maybe one of the most disturbing/gross things I've read... ever.
Yay! I am excited for all recommendations! As you will find I own a LOT of books that I have yet to read, so I'm glad to see some suggestions for a few of them. Now to comment:
Kaci! I tend to like memoirs a lot so I'm excited to check your recs. out. I think I maybe own A Thousand Splendid Suns but haven't read it yet. I know I bought Kiterunner (haven't read that yet either, have you?), and I don't know know if I own A Thousand Splendid Suns and this was a big deal for me because I went to the PPH book sale and kept picking it up but didn't end up buying it because I thought I DID own it, maybe only to come home and find out otherwise. I will have to check. :)
Alice! I saw that you had said something about that book on your blog. I will definitely look into it since we seem to be reading compatible.
Katie! Yes, librarian, I would have been mad at you if you didn't suggest something. :) As for yours, I own The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night, but haven't read it yet. As for Stephen King, for the most part I get annoyed at him because I find him to be over-the-top at times. ALTHOUGH, I will say that you are correct that I do like some of his stuff and it is normally the stuff with more of a real story than the horror/crazy stuff. My sister also recommended Bag of Bones (based on my previous comment) and lent it to me like a year ago, so I still have that as I have yet to read it. :) (Thanks Pam!) I've read The Lovely Bones! Read it before I even knew about the movie coming out... still have yet to see the movie. I've not heard of the Kate Atkinson books, so I look forward to checking them out.
Now, Chuck Palahniuk gets his own paragraph. I am very upset with him right now. I've read a few... nay, most of his books & I've loved a couple and thought a couple were all right, and then there was Haunted. You are correct with the disturbing comment. But let me tell you why I am mad at ol' Chuck. I have literally been trying to finish this book for 4 years. I know it has been that long because I started it before I was with Jack. I don't know what it is about it but I get really bored and can't stick with it. There was a chapter near the beginning that really sucked me in (it definitely fits your disturbing/gross comment... I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about) but after that I can NOT stay in to this book. After making my year of books goal, I decided I had to use the time up until 7/1 to finish the 4 or 5 books that I've started and I've finished a couple but MAIN goalis to finish Haunted since I've been reading it for AGES. Wish me luck!
Thanks again ladies for the recommendations! You're all helping me get pumped up to start working on achieving my goal! (If you can't tell, I get WAY too excited about setting goals and achieving them!) :)
I'm almost sorry I opened the whole Pandora's Box that is Chuck Palahniuk :) Hopefully it won't cause you too much stress!
I agree with the over the top thing with Stephen King. While I do love him dearly, sometimes I just think, "Really?" If you feel the same way, don't read the last book he came out with, Under the Dome. It was over a 1000 pages, and I loved the story. I got to the end, and it was definitely a, "Really?" kind of ending. It's pretty depressing to read over 1000 pages and then be disappointed with the last 10-20.
If you liked The Lovely Bones, you might like Songs for the Missing by Stewart O'Nan. It was kind of like The Lovely Bones while somehow being the opposite... I don't know.
Note to self: don't read Under the Dome. Check.
This is more of a great book to read help you know yourself and your man, "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Very easy read, and you will really appreciate it.
As for book books, Silas Marner, The Count of Monte Cristo, Les Miserables.
Happy Reading :-)