I've finished my first book of the challenge! "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon! I don't know that I'll type a whole lot about it today, only because it is also our book club book and I've got to save some of my ramblings for our meeting! (Maybe I'll share more of my thoughts after that!) I must also comment that I chose this cover for my blog image because I like it better than the actual cover of my book! : )
I will say that I would recommend this book to most people! There's something about reading the point-of-view of a child/teen that gets me. Maybe that makes me somewhat immature with my reading selections, but I loved it in this book, loved it in Jonathan Safran Foer's "Everything is Illuminated" & loved it in Stephen Chbosky's "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". I think it is something about an author being able to capture the innocence of the youth that makes it so appealing for me. Not just any adult is able to really capture and relay that for me. I mean, I will admit that I've read the Twilight series and the Harry Potter series and those are child/teen P.O.V.'s, but it's in a different way. Upon typing that I think I've discovered that it's when dealing with kids with psychological issues. Given my chosen profession I suppose that makes sense.
Here's your first line action (a lil' taste): "It was 7 minutes after midnight."
Anyway, possibly more to come on this book after my book club meeting. As for my next book, I will be reading "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Yes, I know that is a classic and I should have read it by now, but I haven't, so I am going to. : )
This book is: RECOMMENDED
Best of 2023
1 year ago
Good to know "A Curious Incident..." is recommended by you. I'll keep that in mind.
You're going to love Brave New World! I enjoyed it so much more than 1984. George Orwell is a copycat.
I've heard they're very similar. I own both but haven't read either yet. I'm glad you think I'll love "Brave New World". That's promising.
Yeah, in the copy I have, the forward talks about how Orwell claimed to not have stolen from "Brave New World." I fail to see how that could be true. When you've read both, it seems blatantly obvious!
"1984" is a classic and everything, but I read it maybe... I dunno, a year after I graduated from high school? I remember being bored roughly 3/4 of the way through. I finished it because I feel like a little piece of me dies if I permanently put a book down. You should read it just for posterity's sake, but I was definitely more impressed by Huxley's post-apocalyptic vision than Orwell's. I'm curious to hear what you think when you've eventually read both! There are plenty of people who disagree with me.
Wow. I meant foreword instead of forward. Can you tell I usually read those? Heh.
Funny! Note to self: do NOT read 1984 until the challenge is complete! I'm like you like that... I HAVE to finish a book if I start it, so best not to read things that will bore me to death during the challenge! I have to read things that I don't want to put down every 5 minutes or I will fail miserably.
Honestly, you may totally fall in love with 1984. I have no idea. I just know I wasn't as infatuated with it as many people I've talked to about it.
Oh, this is totally off-topic, but last night I just thought to recommend an author to you: Dave Eggers! I'm not sure if you've read any of his stuff, but I'm currently reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" right now, and it's so good. I laughed aloud, which takes a lot of effort when it comes to books. And "Zeitoun," another non-fiction of his, is amazing. If you haven't read any of his books, definitely check him out.
I literally just picked that book ("A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius") up when I was at borders the other day and then forced myself to put all of my books back in a fit of rage at the end of my hour spent looking through books because I couldn't make decisions. Thanks for the reccommendation!
Yes, go back and get it!! You won't regret it. I'm loving it so far.
P.S. Don't any of you readers EVER let me get away with spelling "recommendation" wrong again.
This book was great because it was a look into the mind of a child with Aspergers Syndome. I was able to relate to how Christopher's father felt with the frustrations and joyful times he was able to have. My older brother suffers from aspergers syndrome and this was a comfort almost because some parts of Chris's personality reminded me of him and all the struggles and optimistic times i've had with him. I was also blown away by how Chris was able to accomplish certain things that he avoided but realized he could deal with.